Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki talks about his two dads; one is his biological father and other is the father of his friend Mike.
Robert’s father holds a PhD degree and goes to a 9-5 job. In Robert’s eyes, his own father is an epitome of a poor man; one who spends his entire life dependent on single source of income.
Contrary, his friend’s father happens to be a college dropout. However, he is always open to opportunities, has multiple sources of income and makes the money work for him (instead of working for the money). This personality epitomises the rich person for Robert.
However, that doesn’t mean that Kiyosaki frowns upon college education and is suggesting you to drop out. His only point is that formal education only teaches us how to make money but not how to manage and grow it.
The Rich Dad Poor Dad book draws out from the financial wisdom that Robert received from his “Rich Dad” and from his “Poor Dad”.

Rich Dad Poor Dad Review

This book emphasizes the importance of passive income and making money work for you instead of you working for money.
Right from the beginning, the book succeeds in captivating the reader.
That’s because it’s written from the perspective of a middle-class person and how he sees the rich people around him.
If you are from the same middle-class socio-economic background, you can’t help but getting glued to this book.
Robert strongly believes that our education system does not teach us financial literacy.We are never ever taught about investments and how to generate income from our assets.Majority of the people are trained to work for someone throughout their life and adopt contentment.

The final review

Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the classics in the field of wealth management.

This book has helped me a lot and there is no denying the fact that it is mind-set shifting and thought-provoking book.

If you want to set your money basics right, you simply can’t afford to miss reading this book.

Cheers to your success!!

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