As the name indicates, Unani system originated in Greece. The foundation of Unani system was laid by Hippocrates.

It was introduced in India by the Arabs and Persians sometime around the eleventh century.Unani system considere the entire World is made of four basic eliments viz:-fire,air, earth, water and they are present in human body and that represent various quality.


There are two theories of unani system-

i)Hippocratic theory of four humours-

Blood (dum)

Phlegm (balgham)

Yellow bile (safra)

Black bile (soudha)

ii)Pythogorian theory of four proximale-

Hot & moist (air)

Hot & dry (fire)

Cold & moist (water)

Cold & dry(earth)


Principle of UNANI system

The Unani medicine is divided into two parts 

  1. Theory 

  2. Practice 

 Theory is divided into three parts: 

  1. The theory of Naturals 

  2. The theory of Causes 

  3. The theory of Signs 

There are seven things which are natural, they are 

  1. Elements (arkan) 

  2. Temperaments (mizaj) 

  3. Humors (akhlat) 

  4. Organs  (aza) 

  5. Forces (arwah) 

  6. Actions (afa'al) 

  7. Spirits (quva)


There are four basic elements on which unani system of medicine depends: 

Fire (agg) 

Air (hawa)

Water (pani) 

Earth (mitti) 

The force of fire is hot and dry. The force of air is hot and wet. The force of water is coId and wet.The force of earth is cold and dry. 


There are nine kinds of temperaments in which eight are non-equable and one is equable. Of the eight nonequable,

Four are single:

  1. hot

  2. cold

  3. wet

  4. dry

Four are compound:

  1. hot and dry

  2. hot and wet

  3. cold and dry

  4. and cold and wet. 


There are four kinds of humors: 

  1. Blood (dam) 

  2. Phlegm (balgham) 

  3. Yellow bile (safra) 

  4. Black bile (sauda) 

 The force of blood is hot and wet. The force of phlegm is cold and wet. The force of yellow bile is hot and dry. The force of black bile is cold and dry.


There are four kinds of organs: 

Some are principal organs, comparable to elements and metals; these are four:

  1. the brain

  2. the heart

  3. the liver

  4. the two testicles (in the female, the two ovaries). 

Others are servants to these principal organs.


There are three kinds of forces: 

  1. Natural 

  2. Vital 

  3. Psychic


There are two kinds of actions:

Some are single: These are the actions that are achieved each by a single force, like attraction, retention, digestion, and propulsion. 

Others are compound: These are achieved by two or more forces.


There are three kinds of Spirits: 

  1. Natural spirit: Emanates from the liver, penetrates through the veins into the whole body, and is servant to the natural forces .

  2. Vital spirit: Emanates from the heart. penetrates through the arteries into the whole body, and is servant to the vital forces. 

  3. psychic sprit: Emanates from the brain, penetrates through the nerves into the whole body and is servant to the psychic forces.

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